The 2020 turtle season has ended in Mexico, and with it, we have been able to see that this year isn’t so bad if we still have hope for a better world full of life.
Yes, we know that the year came with many challenges and, in many cases, our day to day lives have changed drastically. However, we cannot ignore that it was also a year that brought with it new hopes and the desire to have a better world in which we are all part of the solution.

The Turtle Season in Mexico
In Mexico, we welcome many species of turtles. However, four main species arrive in the Caribbean that can be easily identified by characteristics such as the trace they leave in the sand, the number of shields on their shell, or the scales on their forehead. Among them, white or green turtles are the most popular.
But others also arrive like hawksbill turtles, which show off their reddish colors, and loggerhead turtles, which are attributed with healing properties, so it must be protected from poachers. We cannot forget the leatherback turtle, which is impressive because of its size and the unique characteristics of its softshell with a distinct mottled black color.

Like every year, the Sandos Foundation aims its effort and dedication towards searching, collecting, relocating, and caring for each of the nests that turtles of different species place along Mexico’s beaches, specifically within the Riviera Maya, Cancun, and Los Cabos.
This organization created its sea turtle protection program in 2015 to help these wonderful creatures stay safe against factors that pose a risk to their extinction while increasing their numbers around the world.
A Show Worth Seeing
During this season, our turtle and biologist volunteers met at night, between the months of May and November, to explore the beaches and locate the nests.
Fortunately, on many occasions, they were able to witness the arrival of the mother turtles and the laying of their eggs. A sight worth seeing, at least once in your life.
As if the experience was not enough, after reviewing the numbers, we are filled with excitement and joy, knowing that over 13,000 little ones made their first journey to the sea this year.
This work could not be possible without the contribution of local and federal authorities: at Sandos Playacar, the Environmental Ministry and Natural Resources; at Sandos Caracol, the Municipality of Solidaridad and the Secretary of Ecology and Environment of the State of Quintana Roo; and in Sandos Cancun, the General Directorate of Ecology of the Municipality of Cancun.
Contribute to the Conservation of Turtles as a Tourist

You may be wondering, how is it possible that a tourist can be part of this experience? The truth is that there are several options available during your visit.
We guarantee you will make memories that will last a lifetime, and your holidays will have an extraordinary impact as you know you helped contribute to the protection of another’s life.

Suppose you can’t volunteer to collect the eggs and relocate the nests. In that case, your travel dates may coincide with the turtle release season, during which you can say goodbye and witness one of the most emotional moments in nature.
If you travel outside of these dates, don’t worry because the Caribbean is home to many different turtle specimens due to the perfect temperature that it preserves throughout the year. Meet with our Seek & Go team, and they will show you the best options for beaches and coves where you will have the opportunity to see and swim with turtles!

The most important thing about the whole experience is that you can learn about the significance of these animals and the actions you can take before, during, and after your visit, to conserve them. They will always have the assurance that we will be here when they return to our beaches to continue their cycle. Will you help us next season?